The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Use vote to best bring about God's kingdom

VoteLogo170In the run-up to the Local and European Elections on May 22, Norfolk priest Rev Peter Varney gives his view on why Christians should get involved in politics and cast their vote.

All the political parties are supported by Christians, and each of us who tries to make Jesus their way, their  truth and their  life needs to discern how best to exercise the opportunity we are given  to vote on May 22.
I therefore feel some response is needed to the article about the Christian People’s Alliance party which appeared recently on Network Norfolk. 
Do we live in the light and spirit of Christ, and work with others to bring about God's kingdom “on earth as it is in heaven”?
I see working for justice, peace and the integrity of creation as the kind of focus we might hope all the political parties could offer in their manifestos. 
Personally I would be more specific about what this should mean.  For me it would be working for nuclear disarmament, and using our armed forces for peacekeeping.  This would release funds to ensure that our health and education services offer the best possible standards, and provide for everyone’s housing and employment needs.
The Green Party has these aims, so  that is the one I  support, but I recognise that others will find parts  of the manifestos of other parties which they will want to support.
Most who seek to give their time in service to our nation do so without seeking great rewards.  I suggest we should vote in the elections this month, and vote in the way we discern will best bring about God's kingdom.

PeterVarney100Peter Varney, Norwich; Anglican priest and member of the Religious Society of Friends

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