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Harvest – A time for some real thanksgiving!

Regular columnist Ruth Starkings is urging us to count our blessings this harvest time.

At Harvest-time we often spend time being thankful. Attending a Harvest Festival is an opportunity to be grateful for all we have and the many blessings we enjoy. A time to celebrate all the good things we have and consider how we can share these with others.
Yet, each day is an opportunity to be thankful and grateful. In each new day there are blessings to be found, although as we look to the world around us, choosing to feel blessed and thankful may not be our first thought. Instead we might feel sadness, disbelief, despair, anger, loss, injustice or even rage. We may feel completely overwhelmed and wonder whether there is anything good to be thankful for.
Yet, what if we were to pull away from those negative feelings and determine to find the brighter moments? I do not believe we should ignore all that is happening, although by choosing thankfulness over hopelessness maybe we could make a difference in our worlds, in the places where we tread.
We do not have to go far to find blessings or to see something for which we can be thankful. Blessings can be found in a smile...in a kind word...in a thoughtful deed...in a moment shared...in saying hello...in encouraging one another...in saying thank you...in a beautiful sunrise...in friendship...in putting someone first...in doing to others what you would have them do to you.
By looking for blessings and choosing to be thankful our day becomes brighter. If we are bold enough each day to keep on looking, life becomes brighter still. This brightness may then shine onto the paths of others, bringing hope and newness.
This time of year we often see the Harvesters who are reaping, gathering and storing what has been grown. They are working to make a difference to the lives of people around them. In turning our thoughts outwards, to those around us, our actions may become more meaningful and valuable.
As we celebrate Harvest and consider all the good gifts we have, maybe we can also take those thoughts into the following days and determine to make thankfulness and blessing part of each new day.
The image above is courtesy of https://pixabay.com

ruth starkings 150CFRuth Starkings is the Family Worker at Meadow Way Chapel in Hellesdon. She also enjoys writing, and just over a year ago started a blog called ‘With Every Sun Comes A New Day.’

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