The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

St Georges day N Norfolk 2019

North Norfolk St Georges day parade and service

West Runton Scout Group played host to this year’s St George’s Day Celebration on behalf of North East Norfolk District Scouts, with the celebration service held on Beeston Hall School sports field in brilliant sunshine.

Civic Dignitaries including local councillors, parents, friends and supporters saw 500 Scout Members aged from 6 years onwards - Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers and adult leaders all assembled at nearby Beeston Regis Holiday Park.   West Runton Group formed the District Colour Party this year and led the procession with their flags along the cliffs, through the caravan park to the Cromer Road and into the school.
12 Scout Groups provided standards for each of their Sections, together with the District’s Explorer Scouts and the parade was supported by Gt Yarmouth Sea Cadets, the guest marching band,  led by S/Lt (SCC) Lydia Chilvers RNR OiC .
St Georges day N Norfolk schooThe celebration service was opened by the new High Sheriff of Norfolk, Clare, the Lady Agnew of Oulton, who had local roots. Lady Agnew said she was delighted to be able to return to the area and in particular to Beeston Hall School where her two children, Madeleine, 23, and Edwin, 19, had been pupils.   Lady Agnew sees her role for the year as supporting charities and their volunteers, and she will be particularly trying to shine good light on smaller charities that need more publicity.
The service was led by District Scout Chaplain, The Rev’d Canon Paul Cubitt - Vicar of North Walsham, Edingthorpe, Worstead and Westwick (Benefice);  and Priest-in-Residence at the Parish of Our Lady and St Joseph, Sheringham and Cromer, The Rev. Tim Bugby (Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham). 
The theme of “bones” was reinforced by a creative presentation by the West Runton group about their village history which began with the Scouts ‘sailing’ by in a crabber (mounted on a trailer)!   They then gave a very animated potted history of the palaeontology behind, and discovery of, the fossilized skeleton of a steppe mammoth found on the beach after a heavy storm in 1990.
Scouts, Cubs and Beavers together with their Leaders all renewed their Scout Promises.  Following the National Anthem and the presentation by District Commissioner Paul Henriksen of the St George Flag to 1st Hoveton & Wroxham Group as the exemplary Group of the year, the young people and their Leaders paraded back to their starting point and everyone enjoyed refreshments in Beeston Hall’s dining room.
West Runton Scout Group decided to support Beeston Hall School’s nominated Charity for 2019 and therefore the collection was this year in aid of East Anglian Children’s Hospices (EACH) for their NOOK Appeal.
Beeston Hall Headmaster, Fred de Falbe, said afterwards: “It was lovely to be able to welcome so many to our school to share in what is an important community event. My thanks go to District Commissioner, Paul Henriksen and West Runton Group Scout Leader, Helen Cardani for organising this so brilliantly, and also two long-serving members of the Beeston Hall staff, Mike and Angie Cole – Mike has been at Beeston for over 40 years and has served the Scout Group throughout that time.    It is a source of particular satisfaction that the bonds between Scouting and Beeston Hall have been so strengthened of late.”

Photographs are courtesy of Andreas Yiasimi

TonyRothe150Do you have a news story or forthcoming event relating to Christians or a church in North Norfolk?  

If so, e-mail tony.rothe@networknorwich.co.uk with details and, if possible a suitable picture. 

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