The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Record numbers at Norwich Cathedral

NorwichCathedralRecord numbers of people flocked through the doors of Norwich Cathedral during Christmas 2006.

The number of people receiving Holy Communion at midnight on Christmas Eve topped the 1,000 mark for the first time.

“We are rapidly reaching the point where we will need to think of adding even more services to cater for all those who wish to come to worship over the Christmas period,” said the Dean of Norwich, the Very Rev Graham Smith.

Preaching on Christmas Day, Bishop of Norwich, the Rt Rev Graham James reminded the congregation of the very many people around the world who live in fear at Christmas.

He asked the congregation to remember that the very first words of the angel to the shepherds that first Christmas were “Fear not”.

He continued: “God doesn't punish us by displays of power, crushing us, no matter how much we all may deserve it. He prefers the back street, the weak, the unknown and the unnoticed.

“And he wants us to celebrate, to know joy, excitement, exhiliration, delight. It's called living life in all its fullness.”
Article courtesy of www.edp24.co.uk


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