The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Opinion archive 

Click below to read opinion articles from 2012 and before.

Written the morning of the day I died?
The Language of Love at Christmas
All I want for Christmas Is… Hope
Christmas message from the Bishop of East Anglia
A different kind of Christmas
Waiting on Christ
The challenges of an Advent Election
Thank God for our politicians
A gospel of forgiveness of sins
Enough shopping days to Christmas?
The happiest place to live
Was Jesus involved in politics?
God works through us to provide abundantly
God is with us in the flood
Who has the power to tell our story?
Is the message of Jesus relevant in 2019?
Share a meal and you share life
No Comment - just prayers
Show love by listening without interrupting
The ups and downs of a cathedral Helter Skelter
The Pharisee in the mirror
Being proactive for your faith
Seeing it differently in Norwich Cathedral
Blessed be the fruit
Connecting with God’s creation
Celebrating the colourful diversity of creation
We need a revolution of love now
The Church must listen, and build bridges
Alison’s story – serving others
Noticing people the way Jesus does
7 billion people, and each one special to God
The Holy Spirit empowers us to focus outwards
The magic of musical ministry
No looking back with God
Whose faith do you follow?
“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free”
Only Love can bring us all together
Black Holes – God’s drawing pins
We all need to co-exist on planet Earth
Resurrection Sunday means there is hope
Bishop Alan reflects on the first Easter morning
An encounter with the risen Jesus
Love you to the Moon and back
The resurrection - unlikely but true
A husband’s needs in a Godly marriage
Waiting in the wilderness
Go on-line to spread the Word of God
Original Blessing means more than Original Sin
Should we blame Social Media for all the bad stuff?
Demonstration, Action, Revolution for what is right
Amazing love - more than just a Valentine
Taking time to reflect in a non-stop world
Why not a woman bishop for Norwich?
God cares in the silence
The joys of friendship
Winning God’s race
Happy Birthday Gladys – just don’t say her name!
James, free will, and God’s love
A Woman’s Needs in Marriage
Build bridges, not walls
Is Christmas really Good News for the poor?
Bishop’s Christmas message about light and darkness
Where will Jesus be this Christmas?
The gift of Love at Christmas
The sound of silence
God operates seasonally in our non-stop world
How should we cope with Brexit uncertainty?
Working with homeless is a privilege
Lead me from War to Peace
The rhythm of the day with God
Are we stewards of the earth or consumers?
Jesus meets us where we are
Artificial intelligence is no longer just science fiction
LET is a powerful word
Making time for church
Blessed are the Persecuted
Can you help house the homeless in Norwich?
God has control over “suddenly”
How can you support your spouse?
Can Jesus fully satisfy our human hunger?
This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine!
The words we use matter
We must take care of God’s Creation
What do we really mean by Tolerance?
God sees the best in us
Having a sense of purpose
How to survive and thrive during first year of marriage
Having faith in school
Freda Smith - an East Anglian legend
Hospitals are holy ground
Finding God in the waves
Is your church multi-cultural?
There’s power in love
God the gardener at work in our lives
How to tell if you have a successful marriage
The Easter Story is our Story
A society based on God’s values?
Let God write your page
Are you making best use of your time?
Looking for the Joy of the Lord
The challenge of the Resurrection
Easter heralds new beginnings and new life
Easter – new day, new beginnings, new hope
The line between good and evil...
The Motherhood of God
The Lord of the Snow still has the upper hand!
Does Christ call us to be prejudiced?
“I’ll pick myself up, and run the race once more”
What it means to be Ecumenical
All In – It’s all about commitment
How to keep passion in a God-given marriage
Injustice! Standing or falling — and failing?
Turning the ordinary into the extraordinary
How to keep going when the resolutions fail
History helps us look ahead to a better future
Finding peace through the storms of life
Waiting for God
All I want for Christmas
A Happy Marriage - What you both deserve
The business of being good
Powerful are the Peacemakers
Grave Talk - learning to embrace the inevitable
Let Jesus lighten the load
Recovery Friendly Church – supporting each other
“Thy will be done” - discerning the will of God
The Best Funeral Ever – Tom Chapman
Being a mum and a wife, with God’s help  
One Love is the answer to the disasters we face
Harvest festival – we must share the goodness
Harvest – A time for some real thanksgiving!
Discover your part in the Body of Christ
The appeal of Christianity
The transforming power of kindness
A stepping stone to joy
What is your pain telling you?
A Coalition of Love
Planning for the future… and eternity
Don’t miss God’s blessings in the rush
Rage, rage at the revelations of that fire
The benefits of churches working together
Your attitude shapes your life
Asking God Why
Us, not me – winning together
“Douze points” for praising God
Putting others first
“I am the Light of the World”
Footprints in the Dew
What is so good about Good Friday?
The true source of hope at Easter
Living in a world of influence
What is the purpose of Church?
The Power of a Transformed Life
What does “Thy will be done” mean?
God can sort out the mess
How the funeral ritual can help mourning
Slippers and Stars – God cares about cold feet!
Anger cannot drive out anger
God understands loneliness
Jesus, women, and leadership
Brexit and Trump or Jesus Christ?
Get involved for Jesus
A letter from Love
A Christmas quest for eternal youth
Christmas – more than just an idea! 
The true meaning of Christmas?
Experience the truth of God this Christmas
An appeal about appeals
No Christmas without Easter
Gifts at Christmas
Are you tuned in to Jesus?
The Appeal of the Poppy
How should Christians view mental distress?
It's good to talk
The science behind Creationism – part 2
One God – One World – We are all brothers and sisters
What would Jesus be doing?
Harvest can be a time of real struggle
Should a funeral be happy?
The curse of the invisibility cloak
Mind the Gap - God is there
The treasure we overlook
Speak out when the Holy Spirit says so!
The power of prayer in times of bad news
To bless or to curse? – that is our choice
Praise God for challenges!
Keep Climbing with God!
Is a referendum really good democracy?
Christians should learn from history
Words of encouragement to a young disciple
Death – the end or the beginning?
Rejoicing in the present moment
Ask God to help you break the cycle
The Holy Spirit - Revival Now
Money, money, must be funny, in a rich man's world
How do we rebuild trust in leadership?
Responding to tragedy - prayer, post or preach?
The resurrection – embracing the unexpected
Let’s celebrate life’s victory over death
Should we leave politics to the politicians?
Jesus is the Undercover Boss
Once upon a time…words of comfort
Are you going round in circles?
Are Christians scapegoats?
Mountain-top experience ends in revival prayer
It's Impossible! – Not for Jesus!
A touch of the fire of God from Welsh revival
How to find true joy
Nigel's three-year journey of faith begins
Bishop reveals Norwich and Bethlehem link
When winter meets its death - in Narnia
Getting into the Christmas spirit?
Do you know who you are?
Is anything too difficult for God?
The real message of Christmas?
Pray for the peace of the world
Christians and Justice
God doesn’t play the Blame Game
The Groom is a Writer
Hope – Music of the Soul
Remembering Edith Cavell
“Oh My, Oh My” – A Christian response
Leadership – as portrayed in popular culture
Harvest is a time to give thanks
We must show Christian compassion to refugees
How to be fully satisfied
Lesson in love from a black Labrador
There's a sound of victory in the valley!
A wandering Aramean was my father
The free gift that inspires
We can all be lifted up by God
Bury the rubble and let God build your future
We must transform our politics…and our hearts
Why does God let them get away with it?
One gift, one man, one purpose!
Discerning the Language of God
Defying the norm for Jesus
What does Ecumenism really mean?
Politicians - Let's pray for them!
Why Christians should participate in politics
Questions to ask before you vote
How would Jesus vote?
What to do when you ain’t got enough ….!
Extending the Easter celebration
God uses the little to achieve great things
We are an Easter People
What should we think about migrants?
Kick it out of your life!
The call for a radical new politics
Getting stressed doesn’t glorify God
The wealth we must give away
Humility releases God’s favour
Being community is tough!
Standing together in peace and unity
We are all wonderfully connected
It’s not a crisis it’s a turning point
Bishop of Norwich fulfils childhood ambition
What is God’s salvation?
The Must-Have Christmas present
Shifting from one Season to the next
As we prepare for Christmas...
Balancing grace and justice
How can Christians be peace-builders?
Love is at the centre of the Universe
God’s love shines through the dark times
On holiday with God
Obedience to God is key to our faith 
The challenge of relationships
Bombing is not a solution
Faith in God helps through personal tragedy
The far reaching consequences of Scotland vote
Christian view is the cup is half full 
My attitude is gratitude 
Living in step with God
No quick fixes to grow our churches
Is peace possible between Israel and Palestine?
Philosophy and the movement towards war
All work and no play can dull our walk with God
How Dolly's show echoes the church at its best
Making movies in the house of God
Writing about a new politics of love 
God’s glorious grace over foot in mouth
Do you recognise your role as a minister? 
What message do church notice boards send? 
Embracing the difficulty of not knowing
Our finely tuned universe inspires faith 
Make a difference this Christian Aid Week
Cutting edge Christians: success, failure and BBC3
Use vote to best bring about God's kingdom
A co-creator with God in the care for creation
That’s not all folks, says God of resurrection
My gift is my song and this one’s for you 
Evangelism: the elephant in the room?
How many stars are there in the Universe?
Let climate change unite not tear apart plea
To get up and leave the Grammys
It’s not about you. It’s not about me.
Church, psychology, childhood and Gollum
Francis, Welby, Mandela, Jesus changed the music
Preparing for Christmas and the second coming?
Light candles rather than curse darkness
Christmas - if it’s true it changes everything
What is your online profile really saying? 
Fixing our eyes on the glory of Jesus
Take God out of your religious box
The Remembrance Day wake up call
Halloween: is it a Romans 14 issue?
What can BBC Radio 1 teach the church?
With God’s help even broken wings can fly
The power to choose a new form of politics
Why is God interested in my money?
Seedtime and harvest - a promise from God
It's a shame about that internet in'it?
Always changing and always the same
Is it ok to leave my church?
Much to be learned from pop icon Pope
Responding to creation
The creator God's work is not yet finished
Christian economics and prophetic actions
How's it hanging? God is the master craftsman
The dreaded E-word
A call to be counter-cultural to show Godliness
From transformation through rejection to revolution
Known by God and building a loving community
Innovation and the spirit of the age
Drowning in chaos? The constant and transient
A call to selfless love in the face of hatred
The public need for deathbed Tweets
Be the symbol of celebration you are made to be
Searching for the spiritual slam dunk
Are we the church God calls us to be?
Blessings and grace not orders and tests
Holistic Christianity: one body, many parts
Church in an era beyond postmodernity
How like God can Christians be?
Peace the way to combat Boston marathon terror
Thatcher was like Marmite - you love her or hate her
Welfare reforms: a matter of politics or faith?
Investigating the science behind Creationism
Imperfect people and impossible situations
Praying for a church death and resurrection
Listening to God in a buzzy world
Curious, convinced or committed?
During Lent face death to truly live life
Uncovering the patterns of the Designing Hand
Selfridges, suffrage and spiritual change
Help for the broken hearted this Valentine’s Day
Embrace difference in the Christian community
Calling all those who love the earth
Let God sculpt His purpose out of your life
My life in science and the Christian faith
Getting back to the Gospel in 2013
Discover the real wonder of Christmas
Step beyond your comfort zone this Advent
Are you and your church talent spotters?
To the Bible: women in church leadership?
Oh Lord it’s hard to be humble...
Godbaby poster... what do you think?
What can our churches learn from Chapelfield?
Reflecting on the wonder of God’s works
One week in the life of a local Norwich church
Victory in the resolve to keep going
Biggest danger to Norfolk church is apathy
Olympic Games have set our hearts on fire
Finding a balance in life with the help of prayer
God's new life means death need not be feared
A call to listen to the inner voice
Finding completeness in God's love
Choice between creative and destructive power
Change is at the heart of our Christian faith
There is power in prayer says Norwich Bishop
Freedom from religion or freedom for religion?
Transformational journey begins for Martin
Mother's Day can be a very difficult time
Where is the one who is wise?
A year in the life of the Norfolk faith community
Norwich vicar says we need good news now
Power is a dirty word
A Biblical way to tackle world's financial crises
Diversity of worship in Norfolk churches
Distractions can divert us from God's work
Love and leadership will solve our problems
Facing up to the things which divide churches
Our giving ensures church survives and thrives
The power of faith in restorative justice
To fully live you have to be prepared to die
Every Sunday in a different Norfolk church
The interaction between science and faith
Recognising the power of Godliness
Love triumphs over hate
Is Easter a holiday or a holy day?
Dozen delights for nomadic Norwich Christian
Unrest in North Africa; a sign of the times?
Good news of the kingdom saves the world
Be yourself and celebrate your gifts
God calls us to be creative
A different look at the feeding of the 5000
Does pacifism work?
Norwich pastor: I wish I could be a pacifist
Street women need love and understanding
Bishop's Christmas message of joy and comfort
A life behind bars shows the power of grace
Finding the love of God in unexpected places
Punishment, treatment and the hope for change
My peace I leave with you - love conquers all
Every person in Norfolk is in world's richest 1%
Thinking that goes outside of the box
Revealing the secrets behind church growth
Bishop of Norwich gives Christmas message
The best and the worst in human nature
The two emotions that motivate our actions
Reflecting on chaos in the world of finance
Putting love to the test in a devilish experiment
View behind the mask of radiotherapy
Debate rages on hot topics of the day
How a blog can help you make a new start
Blogging is a global phenomenon

Click here to read recent opinion articles
Opinion articles from 2019 and early 2020
Opinion articles from 2017 and 2018
Opinion articles from 2015 and 2016
Opinion articles from 2013 and 2014


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