The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Norwich church celebrates its golden jubilee

WroxhamRdShipfield1875Wroxham Road Methodist Church in Sprowston, Norwich is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year with special events between May and September, including a fete, memorabilia week, Chinese English service, Hope’08 and an anniversary dinner.
The principal celebrations will happen between May and September to mark the anniversary of the Stone Laying on May 11 and the opening on September 21 , 1958. 

Anniversary Events Calendar

WroxhamRdOpening1958StoneThursday May 1: Ascension Day Service on at 7.30pm as a lead into the launch of jubilee and week of prayer,
Sunday May 4: (9.30am, 11am & 7.15pm) Rev Nigel Fox. Launch of the Jubilee celebrations
May 5 -9: A Week of Prayer from when the Church will be open for prayer and there will be items displayed by all group’s who use the hall. People are invited to come into a quiet space on  Monday 5 6-8.30 pm, Tuesday , Wednesday &Thursday are 1-8.30 pm and Friday 9 is 1-6 pm.
WroxhamRdOpening1958Sunday May 11: at 10.30 am Rev Julie Minns ( a former Church member)
Wednesday May 28 -30 & Saturday 31: Youth Outreach ‘Hope 08 event to local community and a BBQ
Sunday June 1: (9.30 & 11am Rev John Wall (Minister 1966 -1972)
Sunday June 8: Rev Graham Thompson 9.30 & 11am (Chairman of the East Anglia District of Methodist Churches)
Sunday June 29: Rev Charlie Crane (10.30am) (Minister 1985-1990) and at 5pm Combined Sprowston Churches Open Air service   ( People are invited to bring a Picnic tea & a Chair! Tea & Coffee will be available at the end of the Service)
WroxhamRd1973Sunday July 6: 3pm Combined Chinese /English Service to mark the 50th Anniversary & the Chinese 10th! This will be followed by a free BBQ. Please order your free tickets from Margaret Hardingham on 01603 427446, for catering number purposes.
Monday July 21: Norwich Chinese Cantonese Methodist Church 10 years celebrated on when John Fenn (Superintendent) will be one of the Speakers!
Saturday July 26: Fete 2-4pm with all the Church Groups & Organisations participating. There will be Stalls ,Teas, Games and an Exhibition of Memorabilia.
WroxhamRdInside2008Sunday July 27: 9.30 am Rev Stuart Ellis (former member!) 11am Rev Stephen Clark (former member) 7.15pm jointly led by Revs Stephen Clark & Stuart Ellis
Saturday September 20: Anniversary Dinner. Speaker Rev Arthur Windridge
( Minister 1972-1982) admission by ticket only. (This will be limited to our church members & specially invited guests. Space!)
Sunday September 21: 9.30 &11am Rev John Peters ( Minister 1991 -2002)
( 50 years since official opening of the church)
WroxhamRd2008Saturday October 4: A Musical /Devotional Concert by the Norwich Citadel Salvation Army Band
Sunday October 5: Cameo are helping with the 9.30am service to mark the 50 years but also their 80 since they started at Shipfield as Sisterhood. Service led by Rev Alec & Mrs Florence Callaby.
The 11am will be A Boys Brigade All Age Worship Celebration for 125 years since BB was founded and 60 years since the 4th Norwich Company was formed.

Any further information or ticket requests to Margaret Hardingham

Commemorative Jubilee booklets will be available from May 1 at £1.50 each.

Pictured above from the top are the original church in Shipfield, dating from 1875, pictures of the opening of the opening of the present church in 1958, one taken in the church in 1973, and views of the present building.

To submit a story or to publicise an event please email: web@networknorwich.co.uk