The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

LifeSToriesBanner750Network Norfolk team launch new Life Stories project 

A strong belief that everyone has a story worth telling is behind a new project to help ordinary people do just that and then publish their own life story in a paperback book.

The www.lifestories.org.uk website has been launched by the team behind the popular Christian news website Network Norfolk and the Good News for Norfolk newspaper with the aim of providing a cost-effective way of linking experienced writers with people who want to preserve their life story and family memories for future generations.

KeithMorrisJuly16x750The service provides ghost-writers to interview and record their subjects and then edit the manuscript into an engaging short book of around 7,000 words. These are then professionally turned into a paperback format, along with family pictures and copies printed.

The idea behind the service came from website editor Keith Morris (pictured right) who realised too late that he had missed the opportunity to record the life story of a close relative when his mother-in-law, Mary, died four years ago.

“I strongly believe that everyone has a story worth telling and preserving for future generations to enjoy. I realised I had never sat down with Mary and listened at length to her fascinating life story and I had missed the opportunity to record it for family and friends to read and keep.

“I did not want to make the same mistake again and so, soon afterwards, I began to use my skills as a writer to compile a short biography of my own mother. It was a wonderful thing to do, I learnt so much about Mum and her life and then I had the wonderful pleasure of presenting it to her on her 80th birthday. She felt so honoured and special that I had taken the time and trouble to do it – it was the best present I have ever given to anyone,” said Keith.

MidwifeStoryHandBest750“I enjoyed it so much and thought it was such a valuable exercise in preserving my own family history that I repeated the exercise for my father-in-law, Roy, and presented his book to him and all the guests at his 90th birthday dinner. Needless to say it went down a treat.”

The cost of the basic package is just £999, a considerable discount on similar services offered elsewhere, and can be adapted to suit individual needs.

Read an extract from The Midwife's Tale

To find out more about the biography-writing service visit www.lifestories.org.uk or email Keith at web@networknorwich.co.uk

To submit a story or to publicise an event please email: web@networknorwich.co.uk