

House of Genesis is a place for new beginnings

The House of Genesis is a Norwich charity, which offers supported accommodation to homeless men, many of whom are ex-offenders.

HouseOfGenesisLogo500Val Dodsworth founded the charity in December 2000 in her home. With very little in the way of initial resources other than faith and determination she, helped by an ex-offender, combined their skills and life experiences to begin the work that has grown into The House of Genesis - a place to make a new start. 

Since that time the charity has grown steadily and now uses four properties on the east side of Norwich, with five staff offering supported accommodation for up to 15 men. 

Genesis offers a comfortable and friendly place to call home for up to two years, giving men the opportunity to become re-established in the life of the community.  

Chair of trustees, Alan Lusher, said: “We offer help with everyday things, like getting registered with a doctor and a dentist, help with form filling and applying for benefits.  We link up with many local agencies for services like counselling, help with addictions, establishing family contact, dealing with debts, managing finances and the many other things that crop up for our residents from day to day.

“Genesis was founded by Christians with the purpose of providing, not only a home for those without one, but also to express in our daily living the genuine care and concern that we believe God has for every individual. A verse from the Bible that has been an inspiration to us from the beginning is ‘Remember to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have entertained angels without knowing it’ (Hebrews 13:2).

“There is no expectation that any resident should be a Christian although should a resident express an interest in the faith, we have a chaplain who will help and guide them,” said Alan. “We believe that each man who comes to us is a unique individual, made in the image of God and has the potential to live a successful and fulfilling life. It’s then our job to help him to find the best within himself and to encourage him to take that way forward in his life.”

 You can read more about the charity on its website www.thehouseofgenesis.org
Pictured above is  the House  of Genesis home in Laundry Close in Norwich.

“Remember to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have entertained angels without knowing it”
Hebrews 13.