The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Inspiring young Michael raises £5k for homeless 

An inspirational North Norfolk four-year-old has raised an incredible £5,000 for homeless young people at Christmas.

Michael Green, four, walked an incredible 12 miles over six weekends as part of a ‘Stomp for Santa’ campaign for YMCA Norfolk. 

Keen to ensure that residents of the youth charity had a Christmas to remember, Michael walked from his home in Cromer to the lighthouse and back with his family as part of the fundraising initiative. 

Michael wanted to make sure ‘Santa visited everyone’ this year, after finding out that not everyone is fortunate enough to receive presents at Christmas time.

YMCA Norfolk, the longest standing youth-charity in the Norfolk, houses over 240 homeless young people every night in Norwich, King’s Lynn and Great Yarmouth. They also support hundreds of vulnerable families and a number of schools with mental health and wellbeing through their county-wide operations. 

Michael’s parents, John and Elsie Green, said of their son’s achievement: “As a family, we are all so very proud of Michael and had great fun together during each stomp. Michael inspired us all to get stomping to help make a difference, and we’re hoping his determination encourages others to fundraise for the likes of YMCA Norfolk during these tough times.

"We would also like to personally thank everyone who has supported the Christmas Appeal and a special thanks from Michael.”

The Stomp for Santa campaign was supported by a number of businesses in the local community, many who held raffles to further fundraise to help Michael reach his target of £5,000 – of which he is currently only £169 short.

“We would like to say a huge thank you to Cafe Main, Henrys Coffee and Tea Store, The Old Rock Shop Bistro, Huckleberries, Breakers Cafe and Fig and Olive in Cromer for their support with Michael’s fundraiser, as well as the Gunton Arms. 

Thanks to Michael’s commitment to the cause, young people at YMCA Norfolk’s youth hostels celebrated Christmas with a traditional roast diner and enjoyed opening presents over the festive period. Funds raised also ensured the charity’s vital support work – such as the delivery of their mental health services – could continue to operate over the Christmas season. 

Susie Knights, fundraising and marketing manager at YMCA Norfolk, said: “Michael has inspired staff and young people across the organisation. We’re so proud of his fundraising efforts and extremely grateful to everyone who has donated to the campaign.

“Christmas can be a really tough time for our young people and clients, and with the looming cost of living crisis, many cannot afford to fund such an expensive time of year. The funds Michael raised will help elevate some of these pressures and has put a smile on the face of many of our clients.” 

Pictured above is inspiring youngster Michael Green.


Keith Morris, 02/01/2023

Keith Morris
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