The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Director Mark resigns from Norwich YFC

MarkNaomiTuma420Norwich Youth for Christ director, Mark Tuma has announced his resignation after 13 years with the city-based Christian youth charity. Keith Morris reports.
Mark has been on sabbatical leave since the beginning of Ootober and he will leave NYFC at the end of March.
NYFC trustee, Margaret Smith, said:  “Mark asked for a period of sabbatical leave from the beginning of October last in order to seek God’s guidance as to his future and ours, and to have a period away from work to pray and to think. At the beginning of December he contacted us with this decision.
“We know that Mark has not taken this step lightly, and we thank God for the many years of service he has given to God’s work within NYFC, ultimately as an effective, wise and visionary leader. We shall miss him greatly.
“We ask you to pray for Mark and his wife Naomi as they consider God’s direction for their future, for the staff as they start a new term in their various ministries, and for the Trustees of Norwich Youth For Christ as we consider the way ahead.”
Speaking about his resignation Mark said: “This is one of those decisions that has been both difficult and easy at the same time! Difficult because I have spent the last 13 years working in the team here at NYFC, and that time has been an immense and fulfilling privilege. It is somewhat painful to know that the future involves moving away from the team, the organisation, the mission and the great young people we get to work with.
“However, there is also a lightness to this decision which comes from being convinced that this is the right path to take. I am confident that NYFC will be more innovative, exciting and effective than ever in the years to come – God has much for the organisation to do, and whoever takes over will take things to places I cannot.
“I am also confident this is the right decision for my family and I. We do not yet know what will come next for us, and so once again we are placing our trust in God and stepping forward. We would appreciate your prayers!
“I would like to say an enormous thank you to all of NYFC’s friends and supporters. You have all been a tremendous blessing to me and the rest of the team throughout the years. Without you we could not have come this far – you have each been instruments of God’s grace and provision to us, and by extension to the young people who have come to know Him through the work of NYFC. I know times are tough for many of us at the moment, but please continue to support the organisation in the future as they carry on this vital work of care and evangelism to young people in and around Norwich.”
The NYFC Annual Celebration is scheduled for Saturday, March 10 at St Andrew’s Church, Eaton, NR4 6NW, at 7.30 pm and will include the opportunity to thank Mark for all his many years of service to NYFC.

Mark explains more about his decision on his personal blog.


Pictured above are Mark and Naomi Tuma.

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