The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Norwich MU news includes farewell and inspiration

BarbaraBryantNews from the Mothers Union in Norwich includes a farewell from Barbara Bryant, news about the Stalham Posada and ideas about how to welcome children into church.

Farewell from Barbara

Community Development worker Barbara Bryant has left her role at the Mothers’ Union after four years of making links with local organisations, establishing new projects and expanding the work of the charity. Barbara helped to establish new communication networks and new publicity material. Felicity Randall from Mother’s Union said, “She has been such a positive force for change over the past four years... As she leaves us Barbara is leaving all this project work set to continue in safe hands – an amazing achievement in itself!”

As Barbara’s contract with Mothers’ Union comes to an end, she reflects on what she has learnt in the past few years. She said, “I have learnt that you don’t know what you’re capable of until you try and never to underestimate people. Walking alongside individuals has been the highlight of this role. Yes I’ve enabled others, been a catalyst to get things off the ground, but it’s you [ MU members] who have done the work – we have grown and developed together.”

PosadaStalhamPosada at Stalham

Mothers’ Union in Stalham have organised a Posada during advent as an opportunity for families to consider the Christmas story. The nativity figures are travelling from family to family around Stalham until Christmas Eve when they will be brought to the church to form the nativity scene ready for Christmas day.

This Latin American custom has been adopted by Stalham Mothers’ Union as a way of introducing the true meaning of Christmas into the homes of younger families around them.

Pictured: Mothers’ Union Chaplain Reverend Simon Lawrence, receiving the Stalham Posada into his home.

Sacred times with children

Mothers’ Union organised an inspirational and throught-provoking event held at St Luke’s in when Carolyn Pritchard of ‘Spiritual Child Network’ encouraged members to think about how children are welcomed in church.

The variety of Sacred Spaces created by the Revd Lynn Chapman was amazing, eye catching and inspirational. Coloured paper butterflies hung on a wire grid, some had simple one line prayers on them, others were decorated with felt pens then hung on the grid, offering something beautiful to God. The prayer walk to the cross in between two rows of candle lights was deeply moving, and the beautiful water well (pictured) with smooth prayer stones which were then dropped into the well as an offering of our thoughts and prayers to God.

Gender violence campaign

Mothers’ Union Norwich have been taking part in the International 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence campaign by putting up facts about abuse, rape, slavery etc on their Facebook and Twitter pages. By doing so they helped to raise awareness of the campaign, and of the need for governments around the world to legislate against this type of violence.

The campaign started on Nov 25th and ended on Dec 10th. One positive result was that Afghanistan declared it would not re-instate the stoning to death of adulterers. Praise God for his intervention.

Contact the Mothers' Union on munorwich@googlemail.com or 01603 880853 or visit their website

To submit a story or to publicise an event please email: web@networknorwich.co.uk