The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

RNS Goodnews 540CF

40 years of Good News at Norfolk Show

The Good News stand celebrated its fortieth appearance at this year’s Royal Norfolk Show. Tony Rothe reports.

The large centrally–placed tent offered weary visitors an opportunity to sit and “chill” with a free tea or coffee and most importantly, a listening ear where needed. There was also a range of children’s activities taking place at the stand, and copies of the “Good News” newsletter from Operation O.F.F.E.R were also given out.
RNS Goodnews pbs 540CFThe stand also featured a section on the Norfolk Postal Bible School, which is a way of discovering the bible through the post. Postal Bible School started in Ireland in 1958 and now sends out free  lessons through the post and on-line to children and adults across the world.
Each month, registered students receive fun Bible lessons full of stories, games and puzzles, all designed to help them learn and understand the Word of God. The lesson is split into four stories or studies which can be completed weekly and then returned to the PBS for marking. A student’s marks are recorded and they will often receive certificates or prizes based on their achievements. Each age group is covered, including adults.
Young Peoples Bible Camps were also represented on the stand. They organise a residential camp each summer on the clifftops at Beeston Regis in North Norfolk.  For more about YPBS, click here.
As well as the Royal Norfolk Show, the Good News team were also present at Celebrate Norfolk at the Forum in Norwich in June. For more information about their work, or to discuss a possible presence at your event, contact Carrie Skelly at crafty_carrie@hotmail.co.uk.
For more information about the Norfolk Postal Bible School, visit    www.norfolkpbs.co.uk or www.postalbibleschool.com.
To download free activity sheets, visit www.besweb.org.
e-mail: npbs@colemannr32.fsnet.co.uk

Norfolk Postal Bible School
16 Sharon Drive, Lowestoft, Suffolk, NR32 4EE

The above pictures show volunteers at the stall during the Royal Norfolk Show.

TonyRothe150Do you have a news story or forthcoming event relating to Christians or a church in North Norfolk?  

If so, e-mail tony.rothe@networknorwich.co.uk with details and, if possible a suitable picture. 

To submit a story or to publicise an event please email: web@networknorwich.co.uk