The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Norwich foodbank stats show demand is high 

More than 3.1 million emergency food parcels were distributed by food banks in the Trussell Trust network, with 13,504 of them in Norwich. 

Figures show this was the most parcels ever distributed by the network in a year and nearly double the number compared to five years ago. 
People found their incomes did not cover the cost of essentials like heating and food. Between April 2023 and March 2024, the number of people that used a food bank for the first time was 655,000. 

Norwich foodbank manager Hannah Worsley said, “We are seeing more demand on our services which includes not only the emergency food parcels, but also the support we offer through partnerships with Age UK, British Red Cross, Citizens Advice, Shelter and Your Own Place. 

“All these organisations have partners present in our 11 distribution centres at least once a week who can provide additional support and advice to those accessing the foodbank with whatever issues are being faced. “Our vision is to see an end to the need for foodbanks and we are grateful to all who give food, time, money and support to us so we can help those who need it.” 

Demand is currently outstripping supply so if you are able to give, please see the list below for the most-needed items: 

  • long life fruit juice
  • long life milk
  • tinned meat
  • tinned vegetables
  • shampoo

Financial donations are also welcome for Norwich foodbank has the funds to buy essential items to continue to make up nutritionally balanced food parcels. 

Click here to donate food and money to Norwich foodbank: 

The Trussell Trust, which runs the network of foodbanks has launched a general election manifesto. Emma Revie, Chief Executive of the Trussell Trust said, “It’s 2024 and we’re facing historically high levels of food bank need. As a society, we cannot allow this to continue. We must not let food banks become the new norm. As we approach the next UK general election, we urgently need all political leaders to set out how they will build a future where no one needs a food bank to survive.” 

Click here to read the Trussell Trust’ election manifesto:  

Helen Baldry, 23/05/2024

Helen Baldry
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