The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Respectful debate at Mulbarton election hustings 

A full hall in the village of Mulbarton heard from most of the General Election candidates in the South Norfolk constituency at a civilized hustings event organized by St Mary’s church last night (June 24).

The candidates tackled questions selected by the audience of around 100 on healthcare access, environmental policies, integrity and trust in politics, social welfare issues, foreign affairs and human rights and education and crime among other topics.

The debate was introduced by church Rector the Rev Adrian Miller and the debate was chaired by retired Baptist minister Derrick Hill.

Adrian said: “We felt in the church that it is a really good thing for the community to have a hustings where you can see the candidates in person and get a feel for who you might be casting your vote for in a week’s time. For a hustings to be organized it needs someone to step up and put in the effort and I hope you appreciate the opportunity it affords.”

“We had over 50 questions submitted on the website and this event provides a safe space, a place to listen to what the candidates have to say and engage with it.”

Derrick said: “We have set this evening up so that you can listen and hear what the candidates have to say with a degree of openness. You will have your chance on July 4 to make your own views known.”

The evening was held and questions answered in a friendly, respectful manner with none of the constant interruptions and arguments often seen in the recent TV debates.

Present on the night were: Chris Brown, Liberal Democrats; Ben Goldsborough, Labour; Chris Harrison, Reform UK; Jason Maguire, Social Democratic Party; Catherine Joanna Rowett, Green Party; and Paco Davila, Independent. Not in attendance was Conservative Poppy Simister Thomas who was represented by Baron John Fuller.

You can watch a recording of the hustings here.

Pictured above is the election hustings in Mulbarton Village Hall, introduced by Rev Adrian Miller.

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