The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Souls of our Shoes exhibitions throughout Norfolk

Exhibitions highlighting the prevalence of domestic abuse will be on display throughout the county this summer.

Mothers’ Union members, with the support of the Bishops of Norwich and Thetford, are creating dramatic displays to appear in our churches, highlighting the prevalence of domestic abuse in our society.
The centrepiece of the displays will have pairs of shoes: men’s, women’s, and children’s, young and old. Alongside each pair of shoes will be words representing the pain and fear of those who endure abuse in their relationships.
The Bishop of Thetford, Ian Bishop said: “For anyone living with domestic abuse the immense pain, both physical and emotional, is a daily trauma and a scourge on our society.  It is everyone’s responsibility to RISE UP against domestic abuse and gender-based violence.
“I fully support the Mother’s Union projects including ‘Souls of our Shoes’ that raise awareness, challenge abuse and inform and empower victims. I really hope this campaign will transform attitudes and behaviours and help to end abuse forever.”
Displays in churches around the county for this initiative will be advertised locally during the summer.  
During July there will be displays in Thetford (St Cuthbert’s), Swaffham (Parish church) and Lowestoft (St Margaret’s).
During August in Norwich (St Peter Mancroft) and Fakenham (Parish Church).                                                                                  
More venues, include Kings Lynn Minster, Gt Yarmouth Minster, Old Catton, St Mary’s Walsingham, Wroxham Benefice and Thorpe St Andrew.
Each display will have information of where to seek help, with local and national contact details.


Peter Bending, 05/07/2024

Peter Bending
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