The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Y&M warehouse opening 750 AT
Yarmouth church foodbank opens warehouse 

A foodbank with centres in Great Yarmouth and Gorleston has officially marked the opening of its new warehouse in order to help it continue meet the need for emergency food support across the borough.

The Mayor of Great Yarmouth, Councillor Paula Waters-Bunn, officially opened Yarmouth & Magdalen Foodbank’s new warehouse in Cobholm on Tuesday 3rd September. The opening was also attended by The Bishop of Thetford, The Rt Revd Ian Bishop, as well as staff, volunteers, supporters and representatives of referral agencies.

Before cutting a ribbon to open the warehouse, Her Worship the Mayor thanked the trustees, staff and volunteers of the foodbank for their work in supporting vulnerable members of the community who face food crises. She also commented that she hoped there would soon be a day when food banks were no longer required.

Bishop Ian said, “I was really impressed at the way the new warehouse has been set up.  The efforts of many people, mostly volunteers, to organise such a fabulous facility is testimony to their commitment to the people of Great Yarmouth and Gorleston and to transforming lives.  Most of the folk who operate the foodbanks do so because they want to express something of the love of Christ, especially his love for those who struggle most.  I left the warehouse after my visit feeling uplifted by all that is best in humanity."

The Yarmouth & Magdalen Foodbank is a partnership between Great Yarmouth Pathway and St Mary Magdalene Church in Gorleston and supported by the Trussell Trust foodbank network. The new warehouse will serve foodbank centres operating at both Great Yarmouth Pathway no Admiralty Road, Great Yarmouth and at St Mary Magdalene Church. Food donations will also be received, sorted and stored at the warehouse.

Jennifer King, Foodbank Project Manager, commented, “last year the Yarmouth & Magdalen Foodbank distributed 5,361 food parcels, of which 1,747 were distributed to children. The new warehouse means that we will be able to manage food stocks in order to enable us to continue to give vital support to those in crisis.”

In addition to food parcels, Yarmouth & Magdalen Foodbank also ensure that recipients receive wrap-around support to enable them to take steps which lead out of the food crisis, reducing dependency on food parcels. This work takes place in partnership with over 50 referral agencies and with the support of Great Yarmouth DIAL and Norfolk and Waveney Mind.

Anna Price, Community Strategic Manager at St Mary Magdalene Church, said, “Often people come to a foodbank feeling shame or embarrassment but we love to see their dignity restored and hope in their eyes as they leave.”

A recent food parcel recipient, said, “I am so grateful for all you have done.. we would not have managed without your help and advice.”

Mrs Price continued, “with the new warehouse, we are hoping for an increase in food and monetary donations to meet the current demand. We would also be pleased to hear from anyone who would like to volunteer either at the warehouse or in other ways (such as with communications or serving as a trustee) to support the work of the foodbank.”

Anyone interested in supporting the foodbank are directed to the foodbank’s website at www.yarmouthmagdalen.foodbank.org.uk.

Photo: The Mayor, Bishop of Thetford and other volunteers prepare a food parcel in the warehouse, courtesy of the Diocese of Norwich

Anna Heydon, 04/09/2024

Anna Heydon
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