The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Friends International 750
Summer outreach for Norwich students

Friends International Norwich will be offering a series of events for international students in August as part of their summer outreach

Every summer, Norwich welcomes international students that come from all over the world to study here. For them, Friends International Norwich is offering the Norwich International Summer Outreach (NISO), a whole week of free daily events at the UEA Faith Centre.

Every afternoon from August 12-18 there will be outdoor activities throughout the whole city: a history scavenger hunt, river canoeing, cricket in the park and a garden party. In the evenings, students will be invited to a café with food and a short presentation of the Christian faith. All this whilst playing games, enjoying a Magic Show or sharing international dishes.
Raquel Medina, FI Norwich Team leader, explains: “It’s fantastic to have the opportunity to welcome international students to Norwich. They will have a lot to adjust to: language, new foods, different education system etc. Something as simple as making a friend becomes a great challenge when you are new in a country. We want to support them so they can have the best experience during their time in UK. NISO will give them that opportunity.”
Friends International is a Christian charity seeking to grow friendship and faith with international students in the UK and Ireland. They wish to provide as many international students as possible a great time here; chances to experience real local culture, and opportunities to hear the Christian message. Their activities are open to those of all faiths and none. Their volunteers are all Christians from different local churches, serving together in international mission.

Raquel adds: “Many of these students go back to their countries transformed, wanting to put into practice some of the things they experienced here. Some even start volunteering, welcoming international students in their own cities! It’s amazing to see students transforming their nations in a positive way.”

If you want to know more about Friends International or how to volunteer with them, email

Photo courtesy of Raquel Medina
Anna Heydon, 12/07/2024

Anna Heydon
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