The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Norfolk Pilgrimage to fund church youth camp

A group from Norwich have undertaken a 62-mile sponsored walk to raise money for young people to attend church summer camp.

A team from SOUL Church, Norwich, walked 62 miles from the Royal Hospital School in Ipswich back to SOUL Church on Heartsease Lane, raising money to open the church youth summer camp to as many young people as possible.

James Cowell, Youth Pastor, explains: “Our annual SOUL Shift youth camp is for those aged 11-18. Every year we see young people coming to know Jesus for the first time, having their lives transformed by His amazing love. We know there are lots of teenagers who can’t afford to buy a ticket and join the camp and we don’t want anyone to miss out.
“We’ve walked all the way from Ipswich to Norwich, starting last Sunday afternoon and walking through the night to reach SOUL Church on Monday. It’s been a real challenge, but it will be worth it to see the change in the lives of young people from across Norwich and the surrounding area. We’re thankful for every donation, however large or small.”

If you’d like to sponsor the team and help send young people to SOUL Shift, you can donate here:


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