The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Norwich & Norfolk Services Directory

classifiedads170Classified listing includes:

  • Business Title
  • Classification
  • Up to 50-word description of your business and the services it provides
  • Tel
  • E-mail (hyperlink)
  • Website  (hyperlink)
  • Fax
  • Address
  • Logo (jpeg version required)

Cost is just £90 for a year (£1.73 a week)

Click here to see the Classified Directory

Full page adverts includes, everything in the Classified directory above, plus:

  • Up to 600 words
  • Logo plus up to three pictures
  • Free entry into classified directory (worth £90)
  • Priority listing at top of Services directory with title, summary information and thumbnail picture
  • Initial article summary on website Home page
  • Free entry into e-news bulletin which goes to all subscribers (currently around 3,000)

Cost is just £205 for a year (£3.94 a week)

Click here to see the Business Services Directory

Click here to see the Norwich & Norfolk Eating Out Directory

Click here to contact us about these advertising options

To submit a story or to publicise an event please email: web@networknorwich.co.uk