
IMG 0258
Money, Church and the Climate Crisis

Resources for churches from Churches Together in Britain and Ireland (CTBI)

CTBI’s Environmental Issues Network supported a webinar on ‘Money, Church and the Climate Crisis’ on 16 May 2024 to encourage local churches to engage with the support available from organisations like the Just Money Movement and Make My Money Matter, to make ethical decisions about banking and find help for making changes where necessary.

Participants learned about the opportunities for churches and faith-based organisations to have an impact in this critical aspect of climate justice, illustrated with examples of successful initiatives. The challenges faced by churches were discussed, with participants pointed to the support available. This work will continue in the coming months with resources to support advocacy and engagement during 2024.

The resources promoted in the webinar are listed below:

Article material and picture courtesy of CTBI

Published: 30/05/2024