
xSeason-of-Creation-1000x460-1Season of Creation 2024

1 September to 4 October  - Resources are available to observe the Season of Creation in 2024. Churches together in Britain and Ireland (CTBI) provide links to materials provided by the churches and other groups

Resources are available to observe the Season of Creation / Creation Time 2024. Here CTBI provide links to materials produced by the churches and other groups. 

As the urgent need to solve the environmental crisis continues to grow, Christian churches have been called to strengthen their united response. The Season of Creation is an initiative that came together to provide resources to empower Christians to respond to our faith, each in the way of his or her own denomination, during this shared season of reflection and action.

Season of Creation
This year’s theme is ‘To Hope and Act with Creation’ and a celebration guide is available to download from the Season of Creation website.
Season of Creation resources are supported by an ecumenical advisory committee and steering committee, plus a coalition of sponsors and partners from around the world, including A Rocha International, ACT Alliance, Anglican Communion, Christian Aid, European Christian Environmental Network, Laudato Si’ Movement, and the World Council of Churches (WCC).  
Eco-Congregation Scotland
Eco-Congregation Scotland is producing resources for each of the six weeks of the Season of Creation on the global theme of ‘To Hope and Act with Creation’, following the Revised Common Lectionary. They include Bible verses with commentary, prayers and videos.
Resources are available on the Eco Congregation Scotland website.    
Climate Sunday
Many of the resources available for creating a Climate Sunday service in the run up to 2021’s United Nations COP26 climate conference can be adapted for use during the Season of Creation. Most are available in English and Welsh.
Find them on the Climate Sunday website.

Article by Dr Ian Watson, County ecumenical Officer NWCT, adapted from CTBI

Published: 27/06/2024