The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Gwil marathon1Gwil's marathon for Norwich Youth for Christ 


The director of Norwich Youth for Christ, Gwil Davey, ran the length of Marriott's Way to raise funds to help the charity provide more Christian youth work in the city.

On July 1, Gwil embarked on his run - which was his first ever marathon - starting in Norwich near the Halfords roundabout and intending to end after 42k in Aylsham, although in fact he ended up running a little further!

Gwil said, "The route was absolutely stunning, it was a joy to be in God's creation, able to speak with Him, pray for the work of Youth for Christ and the young people we do work with.

"The route just kept going! I have to admit, I did get a little lost and ran through some poor farmers field, so that added to the distance. When I started to enter Aylsham, I thought the Tesco would be right there, but it wasn't... I ended up doing over a mile more than planned, google says that counts as an ultra marathon...I'll take it!"

Gwil originally set himself the target of raising £100 per kilometre (£4200) and has appealed for donations from supporters of Norwich Youth for Christ, the wider Christian community and anyone who wants to support youth work in the city.

He said, "I'm amazed by people's generosity. In our meeting last week I had decided that I'd be happy with £500, but at time of writing we have raised close to £2000, our goal is £3000
The money is going to be used to make our hall an inviting, warm and welcoming space. We're going repaint, put scripture on the walls, sort out our projector - which is placed on a stack of chairs for our worship nights. We want it to be a place where young people want to be, where they sense God's presence and feel at home."

Click here to sponsor Gwil    

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